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and Patrick just said that he wasn't sad because at least now,
Brad doesn't have to get drunk or stoned to make love.
Love always,
November 8, 1991 Dear friend,
Bill gave me my first B in advanced English class for my
paper on Peter Pan! To tell you the truth, I don't know what I
did differently from the other papers. He told me that my
sense of language is improving along with my sentence
structure. I think it's great that I could be improving on these
things without noticing. By the way, Bill gives me A's on my
report cards and letters to my parents. The grades on these
papers are just between us.
I have decided that maybe I want to write when I grow up.
I just don't know what I would write.
I thought about maybe writing for magazines just so I
could see an article that didn't say things like I mentioned
before. "As ---- wiped the honey mustard off of her lips, she
spoke to me about her third husband and the healing power of
crystals." But honestly, I think I would be a very bad reporter
because I can't imagine sitting across the table from a politician
or a movie star and asking them questions. I think I would
probably just ask for their autograph for my mom or something.
I would probably get fired for doing this. So, I thought about
maybe writing for a newspaper instead because I could ask
regular people questions, but my sister says that newspapers
always lie. I do not know if this is true, so I'll just have to see
when I get older.
I did start working for a fanzine called Punk Rocky. It's
this xerox magazine about punk rock and The Rocky Horror
Picture Show. I don't write for it, but I help out.
Mary Elizabeth is in charge of it, just like she is in charge
of the local Rocky Horror Picture Show showings. Mary
Elizabeth is a very interesting person because she has a tattoo
that symbolizes Buddhism and a belly button ring and wears
her hair to make somebody mad, but when she's in charge of
something, she acts like my dad when he comes home from a
"long day." She is a senior, and she says that my sister is a tease
and a snob. I told her not to say anything like that about my
sister again.
Of all the things I've done this year so far, I think I like
The Rocky Horror Picture Show the best. Patrick and Sam
took me to the theater to see it on Halloween night. It's really
fun because all these kids dress up like the people in the movie,
and they act out the movie in front of the screen. Also, people
shout at the movie on cue. I guess you probably know this
already, but I thought I'd say it anyway in case you didn't.
Patrick plays "Frank 'Not Furter." Sam plays "Janet." It is
very hard to watch the movie because Sam walks around in her
underwear when she plays Janet. I am really trying not to
think of her that way, which is becoming increasingly difficult.
To tell you the truth, I love Sam. It's not a movie kind of
love either. I just look at her sometimes, and I think she is the
prettiest and nicest person in the whole world. She is also very
smart and fun. I wrote her a poem after I saw her in The Rocky
Horror Picture Show, but I didn't show it to her because I was
embarrassed. I would write it out for you, but I think that
would be disrespectful to Sam.
The thing is that Sam is now going out with a boy named
Craig is older than my brother. I think he may even be
twenty-one because he drinks red wine. Craig plays "Rocky"
in the show. Patrick says that Craig is "cut and hunky." I do
not know where Patrick finds his expressions.
But I guess that he's right, Craig is cut and hunky. He is
also a very creative person. He's putting himself through the
Art Institute here by being a male model for JCPenney catalogs
and things like that. He likes to take photographs, and I've
seen a few of them, and they are very good. There is this one
photograph of Sam that is just beautiful. It would be
impossible to describe how beautiful it is, but I'll try.
If you listen to the song "Asleep," and you think about
those pretty weather days that make you remember things, and
you think about the prettiest eyes you've known, and you cry,
and the person holds you back, then I think you will see the
I want Sam to stop liking Craig.
Now, I guess maybe you think that's because I am jealous
of him. I'm not. Honest. It's just that Craig doesn't really
listen to her when she talks. I don't mean that he's a bad guy
because he's not. It's just that he always looks distracted.
It's like he would take a photograph of Sam, and the
photograph would be beautiful. And he would think that the
reason the photograph was beautiful was because of how he
took it. If I took it, I would know that the only reason it's
beautiful is because of Sam.
I just think it's bad when a boy looks at a girl and thinks
that the way he sees the girl is better than the girl actually is.
And I think it's bad when the most honest way a boy can look at
a girl is through a camera. It's very hard for me to see Sam
feel better about herself just because an older boy sees her that
I asked my sister about this, and she said that Sam has low
self-esteem. My sister also said that Sam had a reputation
when she was a sophomore. According to my sister, Sam used
to be a "blow queen." I hope you know what that means
because I really can't think about Sam and describe it to you.
I am really in love with Sam, and it hurts very much.
I did ask my sister about the boy at the dance. She
wouldn't talk about it until I promised that I wouldn't tell
anybody, not even Bill. So, I promised. She said that she has
been seeing this boy secretly since Dad said she couldn't. She
says she thinks about him when he's not there. She says they're
going to get married after they both finish college, and he
finishes law school.
She told me not to worry because he hasn't hit her since
that night. And she said not to worry because he won't hit her
again. She really didn't say any more other than that, although
she kept talking.
It was nice sitting with my sister that night because she
almost never likes to talk to me. I was surprised that she told
me as much as she did, but I guess that since she's keeping
things secret, she can't tell anybody. And I guess she was just
dying to tell somebody.
But as much as she told me not to, I do worry a lot about
her. She is my sister, after all.
Love always,
November 12, 1991 Dear friend,
I love Twinkies, and the reason I am saying that is because
we are all supposed to think of reasons to live. In science class,
Mr. As. told us about an experiment where they got this rat
or mouse, and they put this rat or mouse on one side of a cage.
On the other side of the cage, they put a little piece of food. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
