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No significant errors of spelling, punctuation or 5
Few significant errors of spelling, punctuation or 4
Some significant errors or frequent but minor errors 3
of spelling, punctuation or grammar.
Errors of punctuation, spelling, punctuation or 2
grammar intrude frequently.
Inadequate control of spelling, punctuation or 1
No evidence of control over spelling, punctuation 0
or grammar.
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Page 37
Name of institution (if applicable): ASOCIACION CULTURAL PERUANO
Contact address: MANUAL ALCEDO 134, LIMA 9, PERU.
Spoken English and the Teacher
First of all I must mention that in my own experience, and especially due to the
fact that I am a shy person, I found it very difficult to start speaking in English.
Grammar lessons did not represent a big problem, but oral activities terrified me
because I did not want to make mistakes in front of the class, which was impossible
because as I found out later, making mistakes is a very important part of the
language learning process and once I was aware I could learn from my mistakes, I
felt more confident to express myself in English, not only in the classroom but also
outside of it.
I also found out that in order to develop my speaking skills I had to improve my
listening abilities and going to the school language laboratory to do aural practice
helped me a lot, especially to overcome my desire to understand each and every
word I heard.
My teachers played a very important role. Most of them provided us with
communicative activities and games which gave us the opportunity to develop our
speaking abilities. There was a lot of pair and group work, that is, a lot of
interaction in the classroom. Most activities were purposeful and very useful because
they resembled real life communication and we all had equal opportunities to use
the language.
Nowadays, I take advantage of all the strategies I learnt and try to speak English
whenever possible. Watching films in English (without subtitles), practising with
native speakers, reading magazines and newspapers, attending conferences and
seminars and writing letters in English are, in my opinion, very important and
useful activities for those who want to improve their abilities in a
Page 38
second language thus, I recommend them. Singing along to pop songs is an
activity which I also like because to helps me overcome pronunciation problems.
All these activities I have mentioned were part of the training programme I
received. How lucky I was to have such dedicated teachers who took into account
their students needs.
This script is a very full, personalised, and authentic response to the task. The
requisite points concerning spoken English competence are well developed
and organised with good use of supporting detail. The candidate draws on a
good range of appropriate teaching-related vocabulary for the task. The
standard of grammatical accuracy is very high indeed; the writer uses strings
of co-ordinate and subordinate clauses to produce very long sentences which,
at points, one feels must crash into syntactic disorder, but in fact these
constructions survive intact without any serious errors. Rather than giving
blanket generalisations, the writer s own learning strategies to develop spoken
English are described with careful specificity. Overall the use of language is
appropriate to the context and purpose of the report format.
Page 39
Name of institution (if applicable):
Contact address: 12 RAGAVI STREET, 54623 THESSALONIKI
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am a novice teacher of English as a foreign language and yet a regular reader of
your magazine, which I have always found really useful and informative. On seeing
your announcement about  Spoken English and the Teacher I felt prompted to write
down some of my own experiences and thoughts regarding this matter.
To begin with, I learnt English at school and with a private teacher at the same
time. At school I did not have many opportunities to speak or communicate in the
target language. The lesson was mainly orientated towards the reading and writing
skills. Moreover the extremely large classes did not allow for peer interaction and
the student talking time was minimized as well. To compensate for that, my parents
hired a private teacher, who was a native speaker and with whom I enormously
enjoyed endless conversations about various matters of common interest.
My own learning experiences helped me a great deal to realise the value of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
