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window probe packets Number of window probe packets sent. window update packets Number of window update packets sent. Connections initiated Number of connections initiated. connections accepted Number of connections accepted. connections established Number of connections established. Connections closed Number of connections closed. Total rxmt timeout Number of times the router tried to retransmit, but timed out. Connections dropped in rxmit Number of connections dropped in retransmit timeout. timeout Keepalive timeout Number of keepalive packets in timeout. keepalive probe Number of keepalive probes. Connections dropped in Number of connections dropped in keepalive. keepalive Related Commands Command Description clear tcp statistics Clears TCP statistics. Network Protocols Command Reference, Part 1 P1R-189 IP Services Commands standby authentication standby authentication To configure an authentication string for the Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP), use the standby authentication interface configuration command. To delete an authentication string, use the no form of this command. standby [group-number] authentication string no standby [group-number] authentication string Syntax Description group-number (Optional) Group number on the interface to which this authentication string applies. string Authentication string. It can be up to eight characters in length. The default string is cisco. Defaults group-number: 0 string: cisco Command Modes Interface configuration Command History Release Modification 10.0 This command was introduced. Usage Guidelines The authentication string is transmitted unencrypted in all HSRP messages. The same authentication string must be configured on all routers and access servers on a cable to ensure interoperation. Authentication mismatch prevents a device from learning the designated Hot Standby IP address and the Hot Standby timer values from other routers configured with HSRP. Authentication mismatch does not prevent protocol events such as one router taking over as the designated router. When group number 0 is used, no group number is written to NVRAM, providing backward compatibility. The authentication string has a lower priority than the priority set with the standby priority command. A router with a higher HSRP priority will ignore the authentication string. Examples The following example configures word as the authentication string required to allow Hot Standby routers in group 1 to interoperate: interface ethernet 0 standby 1 authentication word Related Commands Command Description standby priority, standby preempt Configures HSRP priority, preemption, and preemption delay. Network Protocols Command Reference, Part 1 P1R-190 IP Services Commands standby ip standby ip To activate the Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP), use the standby ip interface configuration command. To disable HSRP, use the no form of this command. standby [group-number] ip [ip-address [secondary]] no standby [group-number] ip [ip-address] Syntax Description group-number (Optional) Group number on the interface for which HSRP is being activated. Default is 0. ip-address (Optional) IP address of the Hot Standby Router interface. secondary (Optional) Indicates the IP address is a secondary Hot Standby Router interface. Useful on interfaces with primary and secondary addresses; you can configure primary and secondary HSRP addresses. Defaults group-number: 0 HSRP is disabled. Command Modes Interface configuration Command History Release Modification 10.0 This command was introduced. 10.3 The group-numer argument was added. 11.1 The secondary keyword was added. Usage Guidelines The standby ip command activates HSRP on the configured interface. If an IP address is specified, that address is used as the designated address for the Hot Standby group. If no IP address is specified, the designated address is learned through the standby function. For HSRP to elect a designated router, at least one router on the cable must have been configured with, or learned, the designated address.
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