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percentage of one s income). Place, p. 56-57. c. Explain how a savings account provides Money Pals, Part I, C. 3, Savings for Later, p. 28-35. interest on your money. Ready, Set, Fly! Savings #1. d. Describe your feelings when using different Ready, Set, Fly! Savings #2. saving strategies. Ready, Set, Fly! Savings #3. Banking on Our Future, Saving Money http://www.bankingonourfuture.org/master.cfm/main/ home Learning to Give http://learningtogive.org/lessons/912/Fraser,Serena/Unit1/lesso n4.html a. Describe your feelings when you reach a Developing Your Vision, Book 3. 26. Is able to develop a savings goal. I Know Where I am Going, Part I, C. 4, Hard Choices, p. 26- savings plan. b. Establish a saving goal (e.g., long-term and 39. short-term). Life Skills Activities for Children, Keeping Money in a Safe c. Create a savings plan to achieve a goal (e.g., Place, p. 56-57. special savings account). Money Pals, Part I, C. 3, Savings for Later, p. 28-35. Ready, Set, Fly! Savings #1. Ready, Set, Fly! Savings #2. Ready, Set, Fly! Savings #3. Banking on Our Future, Saving Money http://www.bankingonourfuture.org/master.cfm/main/ home a. Select and use one or more savings strategies. Developing Your Vision, Book 3. 27. Can achieve a short-term b. Assess the effectiveness of each saving I Can Do It, Budgeting, p. 1. savings goal. strategy in reaching your savings goal. I Know Where I am Going, Part I, C. 4, Hard Choices, p. 26- c. Tell how much money you have in savings. 39. Money Pals, Part I, C. 3, Savings for Later, p. 28-35. Ready, Set, Fly! Savings #4. Life Skills Guidebook 92 ©2004 by Casey Family Programs. SAVING Learning Goals Expectations Activities a. Select and use one or more savings strategies. Developing Your Vision, Book 3. 28. Can achieve a long-term b. Assess the effectiveness of each saving I Know Where I am Going, Part I, C. 4, Hard Choices, p. 26- savings goal to help in strategy in reaching your savings goal. 39. the transition to self- c. Tell how much money you have in savings. sufficiency/self- responsibility. INCOME TAX Learning Goals Expectations Activities a. Explain why people pay taxes. FUTURE/PATH, p. 40. 29. Knows and understands b. Explain that income earned whether paid in PAYA, Module 1, W-4/Filing Taxes, p. 95-99. one s responsibility for cash or by check is taxable and must be Ready, Set, Fly! Taxes #3 filing income taxes. reported. Understanding Taxes c. Identify all types of income tax required in http://www.irs.gov/app/understandingTaxes/index.jsp ones locality (e.g. federal, state, city, county). EconoEdLink, Tax Activities and Resources d. Tell when and how often a person needs to http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.cfm?lesson+EM69 file tax forms and make tax payments. Internal Revenue Service, Tax Interactive e. Explain the consequences for failing to file http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/individuals/index.html timely tax forms and payments. University of Minnesota Extension, A World Without Taxes http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/resourcesandtouris m/components/6080a.html a. Explain the documents and information PAYA, Module 1, W-4/Filing Taxes p. 95-99. 30. Know how to file taxes. required for filing taxes. Ready, Set, Fly! Taxes #3. b. Identify places where tax forms are available. Understanding Taxes c. Describe where in the community one can get http://www.irs.gov/app/understandingTaxes/index.jsp help in completing tax returns. d. Compare the fees associated with different methods of tax preparation (e.g., paper, with software, by an accountant). e. Determine the best ways to have tax forms completed and filed (e.g., do it yourself, pay for the service, find a free service, electronic filing). f. Describe the pros and cons of rapid refund. Life Skills Guidebook 93 ©2004 by Casey Family Programs. INCOME TAX Learning Goals Expectations Activities a. Identify the documents necessary for Ready, Set, Fly! Taxes #3. 31. Can complete the completing the tax form (local, state and Bank Rate, Choosing the Correct Form - appropriate tax form(s). federal). http://www.bankrate.com/brm/itax/Edit/basics/filing_return b. Explain the terms on the tax form. /basic_4a.asp c. Complete the tax form with supervision. Internal Revenue Service, Sample Tax Forms d. Complete the tax form without supervision. http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/formspubs/index.html e. File the tax form. Understanding Taxes http://www.irs.gov/app/understandingTaxes/index.jsp BANKING AND CREDIT Learning Goals Expectations Activities a. Identify the financial institutions available in I Can Do It, Using Banks, p. 7-8; 10. 32. Knows and understands the community (e.g., banks, credit unions, I Know Where I am Going, Part I, C. 5, Taking It to the Bank, the services provided by savings and loan). p. 40-61. financial institutions. b. Describe and compare the services available. I m Getting Ready, Choose a Bank, M-12. c. Identify the financial institutions offering the Money Pals, Part I, C. 4, Taking It to the Bank, p. 36-44. best deals on fees and interest. Ready, Set, Fly! Banking #1. a. Explain the pros and cons of electronic I m Getting Ready, Different Ways to Pay Your Bills, M-11. 33. Knows and understands banking (e.g., ATM, on-line services) and I Know Where I am Going, Part I, C. 5, Taking It to the Bank, electronic banking. related fees. p. 40-61. b. Describe how to make deposits, pay bills, Making It on Your Own, Electronic Banking, p. 92. transfer funds, and monitor balance Money Pals, Part I, C. 4, Taking It to the Bank, p. 36-44. electronically. PAYA, Module 1, ATM, p. 87-88. Banking on Our Future http://www.bankingonourfuture.org/master.cfm/main/ home Practical Money Skills http://www.practicalmoneyskills.com/english/at_home/consu mers/banking/ Life Skills Guidebook 94 ©2004 by Casey Family Programs. BANKING AND CREDIT Learning Goals Expectations Activities a. Identify places in the community to cash I Know Where I am Going, Part I, C. 5, Taking It to the Bank, 34. Knows and understands checks (e.g., check cashing store, grocery p. 40-61. ways other than banks store). Ready, Set, Fly! Banking #2. for cashing checks and b. Identify ways to borrow money (e.g., family, Ready, Set, Fly! Banking #5. borrowing money. friends, pawn shops). Ready, Set, Fly! Banking #6. c. Explain the pros and cons of using these ways Banking on Our Future, Checking - to cash checks and borrow money. http://www.bankingonourfuture.org/master.cfm/main/ home a. Describe the different types of savings Life Skills Activities for Secondary, IV-19, What is a Savings 35. Knows how to open and accounts. Account? p. 251-253.
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