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propose propose proposition v. to suggest; to recommend; to tender; to make an offer n. offer; plan; theory; problem of marriage Forms: proposed; proposed; proposing Forms: plural: propositions 283. prospect 284. prosaic prosaic prospect adj. common; regular; boring; tedious; dull v. to search for valuable materials (such as gold, oil, etc.) Forms: prospected; prospected; prospecting 285. prospectus 286. prospect prospect prospectus n. chance; probability of advancement or success; hope; n. a document giving details about an offering of promise securities investment for sale to the public Forms: plural: prospects Forms: plural: prospectuses 287. protection 288. protect protect protection v. to defend; to save from harm; to watch over; to guard n. defense; shelter; safety Forms: protected; protected; protecting Forms: plural: protections 289. proud 290. protocol protocol proud n. method of dealing with a certain subject; draft of a adj. arrogant; haughty; magnificent; impressive treaty Forms: plural: protocols 291. provide 292. prove prove provide v. to substantiate with evidence; to demonstrate; to show v. to supply; to grant; to set; to offer clearly Forms: proved; proved; proving Forms: provided; provided; providing 293. provision 294. provision 163 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net P 3420 TOEIC Vocabulary Words provision provision v. to supply with stock; to equip with supplies (esp. food) n. supply; stock; measure; means; condition; stipulation Forms: provisioned; provisioned; provisioning Forms: plural: provisions 295. publication 296. proximity proximity publication n. adjacency; nearness; closeness; vicinity n. process of producing and distributing printed material; act of advertising Forms: no plural Forms: plural: publications 297. publish 298. publicize publicize publish v. to advertise; to bring to the attention of a large v. to produce and distribute printed material; to advertise audience Forms: publicized; publicized; publicizing Forms: published; published; publishing 299. pull out 300. publisher publisher pull out n. person or company that produces and distributes v. to remove; to withdraw; to abandon; to exit; to depart printed material Forms: plural: publishers Forms: pulled out; pulled out; pulling out 301. purchase 302. purchase purchase purchase n. something which has been bought; act of buying v. to buy; to acquire in exchange for money; to procure; to obtain Forms: plural: purchases Forms: purchased; purchased; purchasing 303. purpose 304. purpose purpose purpose n. goal; aim; intention; objective v. to intend; to plan; to design; to aim Forms: plural: purposes Forms: purposed; purposed; purposing 305. pursuit 306. pursue
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