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MAO ZEDONG: The pronouncements of Tito [and] Kardelj people constantly respect and support the policy of peace,
do not have support. independence and preservation of the territorial unity which
is carried out by the state leader of Cambodia, Sihanouk. The
CYRANKIEWICZ: I would like to bring up yet another mat- Chinese Government has always accepted Sihanouk as a head
ter. The Party, the Government, the Polish people warmly of the state& 
invite Cde. Mao Zedong to Poland. [& ]
In response to a query of a leader of a fraternal embassy
MAO ZEDONG: Thank you. I have received the invitation. (21 March) about the position of China on the Cambodian
events, the personal counselor of Sihanouk, Prince Pen Hut
CYRANKIEWICZ: We invited [you] in November of last had replied quite curtly:  China gives full support to
year. We believe that you will accept the invitation. Your Sihanouk but in the same time added that more details con-
visit in Poland will be a momentous event for the Polish na- cerning the Chinese position on that question would be pre-
tion. sented by Sihanouk himself during his forthcoming visit in
Moscow . Two days later (23 March) the other personal coun-
MAO ZEDONG: In principle, the visit has been agreed upon. selor of Sihanouk, General Ngo Hu, in a conversation with
All is left is setting the date. Elizavetin underlined a statement of Chinese official person
who said:  China can be a larger model for Cambodia.
On the same day (23 March) comrade Elizavetin had a
Prepared by: second meeting with General Ngo, requested by the latter,
concerning the future intentions of Sihanouk. After the con-
/E. Sluczanski/ versation, comrade Elizavetin has a gathered the impression
that the Chinese leadership showed great caution in connec-
Shanghai, 12 April 1957 tion with the Cambodian events and did not hurry with out-
lining its position. It became clear that China didn t want the
outbreak of new war near its boundaries. At the same time he
felt, based on the talk with Gen. Ngo Hu, that the Vietnamese
leadership put serious pressure on the Chinese leaders for a
DOCUMENT No. 2 more clear and determined position.
At the same time following the personal instructions of
Information from Krem Bosev, Charge d Affairs of
Pham Van Dong, the Vietnamese ambassador in Beijing has
the Bulgarian Embassy in Beijing [1970]
had an extended conversation with comrade Elizavetin and
informed the latter about the Chinese position on the Cambo-
[Source: Diplomatic Archive, Sofia, Record 26, File
dian events which had been presented in the trilateral meet-
3330. Translated by Borislav Stanimiro.]
ing of Sihanouk, Zhou Enlai and Pham Van Dong in Beijing
(22-23 March). According to the ambassador of Vietnam, Zhou
Enlai had promised total political support to Sihanouk and a
large propaganda back-up i.e. committing to Chinese press,
From Krum Bosev, Charge d affaires of the Embassy of
radio and television all materials  Chinese or foreign  in
the People s Republic of Bulgaria in Beijing
support of Sihanouk. In the trilateral meeting Zhou Enlai had
promised also weapons. Nothing more, however had been
Concerning: the Chinese position on the Cambodian
promised including direct military interference with the expla-
nation that China is not neighboring country with Cambodia.
In a conversation of mine with the South-Vietnamese
The Chinese position on the Cambodian events taken
[NLF] ambassador, comrade Nguyen emphasized:  The Chi-
nese leadership completely and definitely supports Sihanouk.
Memorandum of Conversation between the Roma-
During a conversation between Sihanouk and comrade
nian Party and Government Delegation Led by Ion
Elizavetin, which took place on 5 April at Sihanouk s request,
Gheorghe Maurer and Soviet Leader Nikita
the Prince has underlined that he had received assurance
Khrushchev, 27 September 1964
from the Chinese leadership that in his speech in Pyongyang,
Zhou Enlai would stigmatize strongly the new regime of Lon
[Source: State Archives, CC RCP files, Chancellery,
Nol and would proclaim clear and decisive support to
55/1964, pp. 2-5. Translated by Mircea Munteanu.]
Sihanouk. Zhou Enlai s visit to the Korean People s Demo-
cratic Republic confirmed that promise.
The party and government delegation led by I. G. Maurer
[& ]
stopped in Moscow for a few hours on its way to Beijing. N.
By the way, in his conversation with comrade Elizavetin,
S. Khrushchev invited [the delegation] to lunch.
Sihanouk has emphasized that in the near future China would
E[mil] Bondaras and P[aul] Niculescu-Mizil also partici-
/probably after the meeting of the four countries of Indochina,
pated from the Romanian side.
which will take place in Guangzhou [Canton] on 12  13 April/
A[natoly] N. Kosygin, V. P. Mdjavanadze, V. V.
announce an official declaration.1
Kuzhnetzov, L. N. Tolkunov, and E. D. Karpeshchenko (trans-
Here appears the question, why China s position on the
lator) were present from the Soviet side.
events in Indochina and Cambodia has been developed so
T. Sinu and G. Marin (translator) participated on behalf
carefully and gradually? May be it is still early to give a
of the Romanian embassy.
response to that question but what can be said at the mo-
ment is that China made it by its own way  waiting and not
The lunch was organized by the Guest House of the
directly involving& More specifically that means:
CPSU CC and the Council of Ministers at 1500 hours. The
lunch was followed by discussions which lasted until 2000
1. The Chinese leadership  in theory and in practice 
has been and remains the upholder of the armed resistance,
During the lunch, the following issues were discussed:
of the people s war, of lighting up wars. But they have always
stood aside from these wars, they want them far from their
1. N. S. Khrushchev made a presentation of situation
boundaries and if it is possible in other regions and conti-
in agriculture for the current year, citing typical
nents and without their direct participation.
(caracteristice) statistics for all the union republics and some
2. There is a reason to think that (such opinions have
of the regions.
been expressed by some Arab and other ambassadors) the
[Khrushchev] spoke of a very good wheat production
complicating of tightening of the events in Indochina and
this year, stating that this year, taking into account the sur-
the larger engagement of the USA in the region give to China
face, it was a record production.
new opportunities in their negotiations with the USA in War-
In 1964, the Soviet Union will not have to import wheat,
and in the next four years it hopes to create a one year re-
3. The events in Cambodia [and] the new situation in
the region create conditions for organizing a large anti-Ameri-
can and anti-imperialist front, which in the minds of some
2. Cde. I. Gh. Maurer informed [the Soviet leadership]
Chinese leaders can be under Chinese control.
of the beginning of construction at the Iron Gates hydroelec-
tric plant. He mentioned that a Romanian delegation of spe-
The events in Cambodia and Indochina, after the evalu-
cialists [hydroelectric engineers] will arrive in the Soviet
ation of the Vietnamese leaders and probably and of the Chi-
Union in the first half of October of this year to negotiate the
nese leadership, create conditions for the boosting of the
purchase of [needed] machines. A. N. Kosygin, interupted
revolution in this part of the world.
the discussion and said that [the Soviets] are prepared for
the beginning of the negotiations.
Beijing, 24 April 1970
Charge d affaires:
3. N. S. Khrushchev spoke of his visit to an experi-
/Kr. Bosev/ [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
