image Strona Główna       image SKFAB00GBB       image ceelt smp       image Artykul1       image ArmyBeasts       image 2006 nov p3       


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ory for the RT and RM mixing problem. Our analysis
above takes into account some of these discussions.
The proceedings of this workshop is now available.
Please contact Dr. Georges Jourdan:
fax 33(0)491106969,
The scientific committee meeting was held on Thursday
June 19th, 1997. The place and chairman of the next work-
shop were determined by vote. The Seventh International
Workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mix-
ing will be held in Russia and will be chaired by Dr. E.
Meshkov of the Institute of Experimental Physics of the
Sarov Russian Federal Nuclear Centre.
Fig. 1. Distribution of the 6th IWPCTM presentations in
experimental (Exp), numerical (Num), theoretical modeling
(Theo-Mod) and general (Gen) areas
Acknowledgements. L. Houas and G. Jourdan would like to ex-
press their sincere gratitude to the organizing committee mem-
bers and the 6th IWPCTM participants and companions, who
driven RT instability single-mode and multi-mode mixing
came from abroad and inside of France, and who made this
fronts was reported by D. Oron et al. A possible appli-
workshop scientifically and socially successful. Thanks to all of
cation of a new vortex model for RM instability at low
Mach numbers has been discussed (A. Rekanati et al.) as
The 6th IWPCTM Organising Committee gratefully ac-
well as a new Layzer-type potential flow model, describ-
knowledges the following financial support organisations: Le
ing the bubble evolution in cylindrical geometry under RT
Conseil Général des Bouches-du-Rhône, le Commissariat à l En-
and RM instability conditions (Y. Ydov et al.). The inter-
ergie Atomique-Direction des Applications Militaires, le Cen-
face evolution before and after a reflected shock in shock
tre National de la Recherche Scientifique, le Ministère des Af-
tube experiments has been studied from the investigation
faires Etrangères, l Université de Provence, the European Re-
of the nonlinear growth of a single-mode, two-bubble and search Community On Flow Turbulence And Combustion, and
random initial perturbation (D. Shvarts et al.). l Association Universitaire de Mécanique. [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
