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A converted Hebrew, the Rev. Mr. Schor, recently traveled exten-
sively showing the present condition of the Hebrew race by means
of exhibits, which I carefully examined, finding among them photo-
graphs of Jews taken in all parts of the world: Chinese Jews wearing
robes and queues, African Jews (many of whom were almost if not
quite black in color), Russian Jews, Polish Jews, English Jews, etc.,
all partaking more or less of the characteristics peculiar to the coun-
tries where they resided.
If you ever have any doubts as to whether God always means
exactly what He says, read with me verse 68: And the Lord shall
bring thee into Egypt again with ships& and there ye shall be sold
unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall
buy you.
This actually happened after the taking of Jerusalem by Titus.
After the Jews had filled the measure of their rebellion against God
by crucifying His Son, their Messiah and our blessed Saviour, their
young men were shipped to the Roman works in Egypt and there
sold as slaves; for so despicable were the Jews deemed at this time
that Romans were actually ashamed to have them working for
them as slaves, which was doubtless one reason for their trans-
portation to Egypt.
The Conquered Curse
I wonder how many of us feel that these instances are suffi-
ciently numerous to convince us that God means just what He says
in this 28th chapter of Deuteronomy. How many think so? Well,
then we may feel sure that every other promise we find here,
whether of blessing or of cursing, will be as exactly fulfilled as the
ones that we have examined. So we shall consider more, especially
the ones relating to sickness and deliverance therefrom.
The Children of Israel, whom we have followed in their exodus
from Egyptian bondage, Red Sea crossing, and wilderness wander-
ings, have now entered the Promised Land where they are immedi-
ately confronted with two alternatives: the blessing or the curse. The
blessing would come by following obedience to God s command-
ments, which embraced every part of their beings and possessions
spirit, soul, body, children (fruit of their bodies), cattle, crops, and
other possessions. It guaranteed them immunity from all disease.
Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the field
(v. 3). Blessed everywhere, whether they went out or came in:  In all
that thou settest thy hand unto& the Lord shall command the
blessing upon thee& The Lord shall establish thee& and all the
people of the earth& shall be afraid of thee. The Lord shall make
thee plenteous in goods, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of
thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy ground& The Lord shall open unto
thee his good treasure& the Lord shall make thee the head, and not
the tail. (vv. 8-13.)
And the curse was consequent upon failure to obey, which
included every form of sickness and disease that can attack
humanity. In other words, disobedience to God s law puts men
under the curse, which includes every form of disease. God is the
Lord who changeth not. A life of holiness is essential to a life of
physical wholeness; and both are ours through faith in the Lamb of
God (who was made a curse for us) and can be obtained in no other
way. While I am far from depreciating the efforts that are being
His Healing Power
made to stamp out sickness by scientific research, I say on the
authority of God s Word that such efforts can only be attended with
a very limited measure of success; for so long as sin exists, it will
when it is finished bring forth death, and disease is death begun.
The latest statistics show a greater mortality from cancer than ever
before in the history of the human race in spite of all the work that
has been done in millionaire-endowed laboratories.
Perhaps no more determined effort has ever been made by
leaders among men than that which has been directed against the
white plague, tuberculosis. I myself knew personally a most able
man who spent eighteen years of his life in research work on this one
disease alone. The results of his labors were contained in locked
books, the contents of which were written in cipher. He was only
one of an army of scientific explorers and investigators doing
research on this disease. But in spite of their labors, tuberculosis still
claims its annual quota of victims. And even if it could be completely
stamped out, so long as sin still remains, it would inevitably be
followed by sickness of some sort or other; for, as has already been
said,  Sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. (James 1:15.)
And disease is death begun.
So to be delivered from disease we must come to the One who
settled the sin-and-sickness question for us on the cross of Calvary
by being made a curse for us, and looking to the Lamb of God, sing
with grateful hearts:
Not under the curse, not under the curse, Jesus has set me free,
For sickness, I ve health, for poverty, wealth, Since Jesus has
ransomed me.
At one time I wondered that God saw fit to specify so many
diseases in Deuteronomy 28 as part of the penalty for breaking
His holy law, when it plainly states that all sickness  every sick-
ness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this
The Conquered Curse
law (v. 61) is included in the curse. But the Holy Spirit gave
great light to me on this point when dealing with persons afflicted
with some of the diseases so specified. Take tuberculosis of the
lungs, for instance, commonly called consumption. I thank God
that I have personal knowledge of many marvelous healings of
this disease, which is so hopeless. I use the word advisedly, for
while modern methods have undoubtedly done a great deal
toward arresting its course in the earlier stages, there is still prac-
tically no prospect of recovery for advanced cases, excepting by
faith in the work accomplished for soul and body on Calvary.
And I know no better way of dealing with them than giving them
the Word of God in the 28th chapter of Deuteronomy, along with
some New Testament verses, more particularly Galatians 3:13:
Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law& .
 There s no hope for me, doctor; I have consumption; three
physicians have pronounced it tuberculosis of the lungs. I have been
X-rayed and all the rest. They say it is quite advanced and the
utmost I can expect is that my life may be prolonged somewhat if I
am very faithful in following the instructions they have given me and
in taking their remedies.
To which my answer is,  Do you believe that the Bible is the
Word of God and absolutely true in every particular?
 Oh, yes; I know it is.
 Well, then, the Word of God explicitly states that Christ Jesus
healed you of consumption, mentioning the name of the very disease
from which the doctors tell you you are dying at this moment.
 Oh, where is it? I have never seen it in the Bible.
And then turning to Deuteronomy 28, I point out that consump-
tion is part of the curse of the broken law, from which curse
Galatians 3:13 tells us that Christ has redeemed us by being made a
curse for us, or in our stead.
His Healing Power
 Now repeat with me,  Christ hath redeemed me from the curse
of the law, of which curse consumption is a part, so Christ hath
redeemed me from consumption.  And the seeker obeys; and
repeatedly, with the Bible open before us at Deuteronomy 28:22 and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
