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very, very important to him.
"She had extensive vaginal injuries. She has hairline fractures in her pelvis,
and one hip was dislocated.
She was as severely injured genitally as any young woman I've seen. We can
count ourselves lucky that she's going to make a good recovery."
"You make it sound like there might be something else."
"Well, I was getting to that. We don't know for certain yet, but the
indications so far are that both of her legs are paralyzed."
Jonathan was stunned. "She can't walk?"
"Not just at the moment, no. But we haven't been able to detect any injury
that would cause this, so we don't think that it's likely to be a permanent
"What does that mean? Days? Years?"
"We have no way of telling, I'm sorry to say. It would be premature
to take a completely pessimistic view, though."
Jonathan left the barren little conference room and went back to Patricia. He
found the priest kneeling beside the bed with his face on his clasped
hands, obviously praying. He didn't blame Father Goodwin. In fact he envied
him his faith.
When Jonathan came into her view she smiled a vague sort of a smile. Her
fingers moved slightly.
He twined his own in them. They stayed like that, the two of them, silent in
one another's company. After a time the priest finished whatever prayer he had
been saying, and left them alone.
18 JULY 1983
To: The Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Defense of the Faith
From: The Chancellor for the Inquiry in North Amer-ica
Your Eminence:
This is to inform you that Brother Alexander Thomas Parker (b. 12 Oct. 1942, +
17 Oct. 1942, ord.
22 June 1964, Judist, Soldier of Christ, Inquisitor-Captain) has been
martyred in the line of duty.
Be-cause he was tortured we must assume his cell to have been compromised.
As a result I have withdrawn the cell from the Night Church Congregation Holy
Spirit and am now in the process of regrouping around a new cell leader.
This will result in a period during which we will be intelligence-blind.
The following personnel shifts have occurred:
1. Brother Alexander Thomas Parker, deceased by reason of fire
applied to the body by hostile persons. Martyr.
2. Brother Julius Timothy, transferred to Prefec-turate of the West, service
in California.
3. Brother George Robert Yates, transferred as above.
4. Sister Marie-Louise D'Aubusson, invested as Captain-Inquisitor, ordered to
form a new cell for penetration of the Night Church Congregation Holy
Under separate cover please find a request for $2,114.28 to cover travel
expenses involved in these changes.
A layperson (Terence Quist, b. 22 Nov. 1933, + 25 Dec. 1933, conf. 5 April
1945, single, K. of C, CCD) in the process of being recruited by Brother
Alexander has been abandoned. Recruitment had not proceeded far enough to
justify shifting to another operative, and I prefer to let the new
Captain-Inquisitor bring in her own people.
Page 53
ABC Amber Palm Converter,
Yours in Christ & for the Defense of the Faith, Brian Conlon (Msgr.)
Document Class: Urgent A. most private, Swiss Guards courier
Destination: Paolo Cardinal Impelliteri, the Hidden Collegium,
Prefecturate for the Defense of the
Faith, Vatican City
20 IULIUS 1983
Cancellarius Inquisitionis in Septentrionalis Americanensis
Prefectus Congregationis Defensioni Fidei
We are shocked and saddened by the loss you have experienced. It is
especially unfortunate that
Brother Alexander had to endure such a harsh martyrdom. We can all
take solace, though, in contemplating the peace Brother knows now.
I wish to reassert the wish of His Holiness that
Contra Poenam Ultimam is to be scrupulously ob-served. The Night Church
may be barbaric, but we are not.
I attach your approved expense report, with the admonition that
religious below the level of
Monsignor should not have traveled business class.
Also attached is a most distressing report from the Historical Section,
written in the seventies of the last century. It appeared in the list
of relevant documen-tum when we ran
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