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developed today by alchemists working in their homes, under the cover of scientific labs, in societies
and institutions that give them resources and support. However it is done, alchemy develops like a tree
 a tree of life  that grows at its edges in response to the pressures of its environment and the
expanding impulse of its seed.
Alchemy has been described throughout eons in an honored tradition of master to apprentice
consisting of instructions, procedures and secrets spoken by the voice of experience. While some
masters as well as some charlatans have recorded information related to the practice and to the
secrets in alchemical texts, it is very taxing and very frustrating to find the pearls of truth among all the
shells in this sea of writings. Yet hiding the true Voice of the masters in the most demanding of places
is the way to ensure that the secrets of alchemy are discovered only by those passionately committed
to their proper use.
So, perhaps, it is the Voice that connects the master with the apprentice and ensures that the art of
alchemy will be transmitted down through the ages. If this is so, then we all  enquirers, apprentices,
practitioners, and masters of the Art  hear or speak the Voice. It can be found in many places and
heard from many people; the successful practice of the Art depends on our ability to discern the one,
true Voice among the many.
This issue of the Alchemy Journal is dedicated to the Voice in some of its many forms. Our featured
articles include the voice of a practicing alchemist in Portugal  Rubellus Petrinus  describing the Art
from his perspective and the voice of a poet  Durand von Meissen  expressing his view of the (17 of 19)5/6/2005 1:28:01 AM
Alchemy Journal Vol.4 No.3.
journey along the path of spiritual alchemy. We also offer for your consideration the laboratory
procedures of Dr. Fabrizio Tonna speaking about his search for the Tartar of Paracelsus.
And, it is with great pleasure, that I announce that future issues of the Alchemy Journal will include a
forum for the voices of our students who are enrolled in the Alchemy Home Study Program (http://www. Initially, I will publish excerpts from the papers of students, with their
permission, who are working within a structured learning environment to discover some of the
principles and laboratory procedures of alchemy.
As always, the Alchemy Journal welcomes the voices of all of our readers and encourages your
comments and submissions of articles for publication.
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Submit your articles on any aspect of alchemy. We are looking for biographies, historical articles,
practical laboratory work, spagyric recipes, philosophical pieces, experiences in personal
transformation, spiritual insights, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, book reviews, film and video reviews,
website reviews, artwork, etc. Please submit your material or queries via email to editor@alchemylab.
The Alchemy Journal is posted at the Alchemy Lab website on the journal archives page at www. This page also contains a Directory of Past Issues and an Index of
Articles. To subscribe to the journal, simply send a blank email to AlchemyJournal-
Alchemy Resources
Alchemergy (Modern Alchemy)
Alchemy Guild (Membership Organization)
Alchemy Lab (Alchemy Articles, Files, and Gallery)
Alchemy Website (Original Alchemy Texts) (18 of 19)5/6/2005 1:28:01 AM
Alchemy Journal Vol.4 No.3.
Crucible Catalog (Books, Tapes, Labware, Tinctures, Herbs)
Flamel College (Alchemy and Hermetic Courses)
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