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only Kingdom, is for that reason called Minus.
III. Out of Diana's undetermined Tears, when Appollo has appeared, after the Separation of the three Elements,
Determination, Digestion and glorious Resurrection, we can, without the Addition of any other created thing,
prepare this our determined Elixir: Which is the first, noblest, and secretest way of the Philosophers.
IV. The Determination of our Diana's Tears consists only in their perfect and indissoluble Union with the fixt
Vegetable Earth, philosophically prepared, purified, and spiritualized: for the love of which they are forced to leave
their first universal undetermined Property, and be clothed with a determined particular one, which is required to this
our Circulatum Minus.
V. Our second way of preparing this our Vegetable Elixir is by a right Manipulation of a Plant of the noblest Degree,
standing by itself, or supported by others: after the Preparation of which, and its Putrefaction, Reduction into an Oil,
Separation of the three Principles, with their Purification, Union, and Spiritualization, the whole is to be turned into
a spiritual ever-living Fountain, renewing every Plant, that shall be plunged into it.
VI. The third and common way is only a Conjunction of a fixt Vegetable Salt with its own volatil sulphureous Spirit,
both to be found ready prepared by any vulgar Chymist, and since in their Preparation the purest Sulphur, containing
the Soul, has suffered some Detriment by their not being philosophically manipulated, they cannot be inseparably
joined without a sulphureous Medium, by which the Soul being strengthened, the Body and Spirit are also through it
made capable of a perfect Union.
VII. The proper Medium, requisite for the indissoluble Union of these two Subjects, is only a sulphureous and
bituminous Matter, issuing out of a plant, living or dead, which is to be found in several parts of the World, and is
known to all manner of sea fishermen (the Copavian we find to be the best, and after that the Italian), by which, after
it has been separated from its feculent parts through our Universal Menstruum, all the Pores and Atoms of the fixt
Vegetable Salt, which is extremely fortified by it, being dilated, it is made capable of receiving its own Spirit, and
uniting itself with it.
VIII. To fortify the Sulphur, and open the Pores of the Salt, no other Method is to be used, but to imbibe the same
with the bituminous Matter in a moderate digestive Heat, as if one would hatch Chickens, and as the Salt grows dry,
the Imbibitions are to be repeated, until you find it so fully saturated that it refuses to imbibe any more of the Matter.
IX. In the Course of Imbibitions the whole Mass is at least nine or ten times a day to be stirred with a Spatula, or
some other Instrument of dry Wood, by which reiterated Motion, the bituminous Matter receives a better ingress into
the Body, and perfects its Operation the sooner.
X. Great care is to be taken, that in the performance of the Imbibitions, no kind of Soil or Dust fall into your Matter,
for the prevention of which your Vessel may be kept covered with a Paper, prickt full of holes, or any other suitable
Covering, and that nothing come near it, which has its own internal Sulphur: for the Pores of the Salt being very
much dilated and opened, it may easily determine itself to any other Subject, and so spoil your Undertaking.
XI. If in three, or four Weeks time at farthest, your fixt Vegetable Salt does not manifest its full Saturation, it will
certainly be in vain for you to go on any further with it: for you may assure yourself, that you either err in the Notion
of the Salt or of the real sulphureous Medium, or in the Management of the Imbibitions.
XII. When your Imbibitions are fully performed, your Salt will then be in a convenient readiness to receive its own
Spirit, by which it is made volatil, spiritual, transparent, and wonderfully penetrating, entring on a sudden into the
Pores and Particles of every Vegetable, and separating in a moment their true Essence or Elements.
XIII. Although the Salt is fully prepared for the Reception of its own Spirit, yet unless you well observe the right
Proportion of them (which is, that the volatil always predominate over the fixt) you will never be able to make any [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
