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Estimated B lood Loss (E BL): 800 cc; no bl ood repl aced (normalbl oodl ossi s500-1000cc). Specimens: P lacenta,cordpH ,cordbl oodspeci mens. Drains:F oleytogravity . Fluids:I nput-2000ccLR ;Output-300cccl earuri ne. Complications: None. Disposition: T he pati ent was tak en to the recovery room thenpostpartum w ardi nstabl econdi tion. Postoperative M anagement after CesareanSection I. PostC esareanS ectionOr ders A. Transfer:topostpartum w ardw henstabl e. B. Vitalsigns: q4hx 24hours,I andO. C. Activity:B edrestx 6-8hours, then ambulate; if given spinal, k eep pati ent fl at on back x 8h. I ncentive spirometerq1hw hileaw ake. D. Diet: N PO x 8h, then si ps of w ater. Advance to cl ear liquids,thentoregul ardi etastol erated. E. IVFl uids:I VD 5 LR or D5 ½ NSat125cc/h.Fol eyto gravity;di scontinueafter12hours.I and O catheterize prn. F. Medications 1. Cefazolin ( Ancef) 1 gm IVPB x one dose at tim e of cesareansecti on. 2. Nalbuphine(N ubain)5to10 mgS CorI Vq2-3h OR 3. Meperidine(D emerol) 50-75m gI Mq3-4hprnpai n. 4. Hydroxyzine (Vistaril) 25-50 m g I M q3-4h prn nau sea. 5. Prochlorperazine (C ompazine) 10 m g I V q4-6h prn nausea OR 6. Promethazine (P henergan) 25-50 m g I V q3-4h prn nausea G. Labs: CBCin AM . II. PostoperativeD ay#1 A. Assess p ain, l ungs, ca rdiac st atus, f undal hei ght, lochia,passi ngoffl atus, bowelm ovement,di stension, tenderness,bow elsounds,i ncision. B. DiscontinueI Vw hentak ingadequateP Ofl uids. C. DiscontinueFol ey,andI andOcatheteri zeprn. D. Ambulateti dw ithassi stance;i ncentivespi rometerq1h whileaw ake. E. Checkhem atocrit,hem oglobin,R h,and rubellastatus. F. Medications 1. Acetaminophen/codeine (Tylenol#3)1-2P Oq4-6h prnpai n OR 2. Oxycodone/acetaminophen(P ercocet)1 t ab q6hprn pain. 3. FeSO4325m gP Obi d-tid. 4. MultivitaminP Oqd, Colace 100 mgP Obi d.M ylicon 80m gP Oqi dprnbl oating. III. PostoperativeDay #2 A. If passi ng gas and/or bow el m ovement, advance to regulardi et. B. Laxatives:D ulcolaxsuppprn or Milk of magnesia30cc POti dprn.M ylicon80m gP Oqi dprnbl oating. IV. PostoperativeD ay#3 A. If transverse i ncision, rem ove stapl es and pl ace steri stripsonday 3.I faverti cali ncision,rem ovestapl eson postopday 5. B. Dischargehom eonappropri atem edications; follow up in2and6w eeks. LaparoscopicB ilateralT ubalLigation OperativeR eport Preoperative D iagnosis: Mul tiparous fem ale desi ring permanentsteriliz ation. PostoperativeD iagnosis:S ameasabove TitleofOper ation:Laparoscopi cbi lateraltubal l igationw ith Faloperi ngs Surgeon: Assistant: Anesthesia:General endotracheal FindingsA tS urgery:N ormaluterus,tubes,andovari es. DescriptionofOper ativeP rocedure After i nformed consent, the pati ent was tak en to the operating room wheregeneral anesthesi aw asadm inistered. The pati ent w as ex amined under anesthesia and found to havea n ormalu terusw ithn ormal adnexa.S hew as p laced in the dorsal l ithotomy posi tion and prepped and dr aped i n sterile fashion.A bi valvespecul umw aspl aced in the vagina, and the anteri or lip of the cervi x w as grasped w ith a si ngle toothedtenacul um. Auteri nem anipulatorw aspl acedi ntothe endocervical canal and arti culated w ith the tenacul um. T he speculumw asrem ovedfrom thevagi na. An infraum bilical incision w as m ade w ith a scalpel, then while tenti ng up on the abdom en, a V erres needl e was admitted i nto the i ntraabdominal cavi ty. A sal ine drop test was perform ed and noted to be w ithin norm al l imits. Pneumoperitoneum w as attai ned w ith 4 l iters of carbon dioxide. T he V erres needl e w as rem oved, and a 1 0 m m trocar and sl eeve were advanced i nto the i ntraabdominal cavity w hile tenti ng up on the abdom en. T he l aparoscope was i nserted and proper l ocation w as confi rmed. A second incision w as m ade 2 cm abo ve the sy mphysis pubi s, and a 5 m m trocar and sl eeve w ere i nserted i nto the abdom en underl aparoscopicvi sualizationw ithoutcom plication. Asurvey reveal ed normalpel vicandabdom inalanatom y. A Fal ope ri ng appl icator w as advanced through the second trocar sl eeve, and the l eft Fal lopian tube w as i dentified, followed out to the fi mbriated end, and grasped 4 cm from thecornual regi on.T heFal operi ngw as applied to ak nuckle oftubeandgoodbl anchingw asnotedatthesi teofappl ica tion. N o bl eeding w as observe d from the m esosalpinx. T he Faloperi ngappl icatorw asrel oaded,andaFal operi ngw as applied i n a similar fashi on to the opposi te tube. C arbon dioxidew asal lowedtoescapefrom theabdom en. The i nstruments w ere rem oved, and the sk in i ncisions were cl osed w ith #3-O V icryl i n a subcuti cular fashi on. T he instruments w ere rem oved from t he vagi na, and ex cellent hemostasis w as noted. T he pati ent tol erated the procedure well,andsponge,l ap and needle counts werecorrectti mes two. T he pati ent w as tak en to the recovery room i n stabl e condition. EstimatedB loodLoss(E BL): Specimens: N one Drains:F oleytogravity Fluids:1500ccLR Complications: None Disposition:T hepati ent wastak entotherecovery room i n stablecondi tion. PostpartumT ubal LigationO perative Report Preoperative D iagnosis: M ultiparous female after vagi nal delivery,desiringperm anentsteriliz ation. PostoperativeD iagnosis: Sameasabove TitleofOper ation:M odifiedP omeroybi lateral tubal ligation Surgeon: Assistant: Anesthesia:E pidural FindingsA tS urgery:N ormalfal lopiantubesbi laterally DescriptionofOper ativeP rocedure: After assuringi nformedconsent, the pati ent w as tak en totheoperati ngroom and spinal anesthesiaadm inistered.A small,transverse, infraumbilicalsk inincisionw asm adew ith a s calpel, and the i ncision w as carri ed dow n through the underlying fasci a unti l the peri toneum w as i dentified a nd entered. T he l eft fal lopian tube w as i dentified, brought i nto the i ncision and gra sped w ith a B abcock cl amp. T he tube wasthenfol lowedouttothefi mbria.A n avascular midsection of the fallopian tubew asgraspedw ithaB abcockcl ampand broughti ntoak nuckle.T hetubew asdoubl yl igated with an O-plain suture and transected. T he speci men w as sent to pathology. E xcellent hem ostasis w as noted, and the tube was returned to the abdo men. The sam e procedure w as performedontheopposi tefal lopiantube. The fasci a was then cl osed w ith O-V icryl i n a si ngle layer. T he sk in w as cl osed with 3-O V icryl i n a subcuti cular fashion.T hepati enttol eratedthe procedure well.N eedleand spongecountsw erecorrectti mes2. EstimatedB loodLoss(E BL): Specimens: S egmentsofri ghtandl efttubes Drains:F oleytogravity Fluids:I nput-500ccLR ;output-300cccl earuri ne Complications: None Disposition: Thepati entw astak entotherecovery room i n stablecondi tion. PreventionofD Isoimmuniz ation The morbidityandm ortalityofR hhem olyticdi seasecanbe significantly reduced by i dentification of w omen at ri sk for isoimmunizationandby adm inistration of Di mmunoglobulin. Administration of D i mmunoglobulin [R hoGAM, R ho(D) immunoglobulin, R hIg] i s very effecti ve i n the preventi ng isoimmunizationtotheD anti gen. I. Prenataltesting A. Routine prenatal l aboratory eval uation i ncludes A BO andD bl oodty pedeterm inationandanti bodyscreen. B. At28-29w eeksofgestati onw omanw hoareD nega tive but not D i soimmunized shoul d be retested for D antibody. I f the test reveal s that no D anti body i s present, prophy lactic D i mmunoglobulin [R hoGAM, Rho(D)i mmunoglobulin,R hIg]i si ndicated. C. IfDantibody ispresent,Dim munoglobulinw illnotbe beneficial, and speci alized m anagement of the D isoimmunized pregnancy i s undertak en to m anage hemolyticdi seaseofthefetusandhy dropsfetal is. II. Routinead ministrationo fDim munoglobulin A. Abortion. Dsensi tization may becausedby aborti on.
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