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selected a place and performed Tapas with all sincerity. This purified him and made him fit for
higher steps. After a period of two years, a Guru appeared before him, initiated him into deep
mysteries of Yoga. Present-day aspirants also are running like this from place to place in search of a
Guru. It is of no use. They should purify themselves for a Yogic life. By chance, even if they come
in contact with an Avatara, they will not be benefited much if they have not a strong foundation for a
Yogic life.
The yogi by means of various practices establishes a conscious control over the organs and
functions of the body. He moulds his body like steel. One Swami in London had a demonstration of
stopping his heart before the King. Many able physicians were present on the occasion and
examined him. Desabandhu in 1926 stopped the radial and temporal pulses on both sides at will and
stopped the beatings of the heart also for a short time. He showed a demonstration in the Bombay
Medical Union. In Maharajah Ranjit Singh s Court in Lahore, Hatha Yogi Hari Das who buried
himself underneath the ground for forty days after tightly closing his nose, mouth, ears and eyes
with wax came back alive. The Mohammedan Yogi, Gunangudi Mastan, was buried in Madras.
Some Yogins fly in the air. This is due to Khechari Mudra.
Yogi Pratap was in the posture of doing Viparitakarani Mudra. He asked the onlookers to
cover his head with clay on all sides. He remained in that position for full 2 hours. Paul Deussen, the
German traveller, personally witnessed this in Varanasi. Sri Swami Vishuddhananda of Varanasi
once gave life to a dead sparrow. Nothing is impossible for a real Yogi.
Various kinds of lights manifest during meditation owing to deep concentration. In the
beginning a bright, white light, the size of a pin s point will appear in the forehead at the space
between the two eyebrows which corresponds tentatively to the Ajna Chakra. You will notice,
when the eyes are closed, different coloured lights, white, yellow, red, smoky, blue, green, mixed
lights, flashes like lightning, fire, moon, sun, stars and sparks. These are Tanmatric lights. Each
Tanmatra has its own specific colour. Yellow and white lights are very commonly seen. In the
beginning small balls of white or red light float about before the mind s eye. When you first observe
this be assured that the mind is becoming more steady and that you are progressing in concentration.
After some months, the size of the light will increase and you will see a full blaze of white light,
bigger than the sun. In the beginning these lights are not steady. They come and disappear
immediately. When you have steady and systematic practice of meditation for 2 or 3 hours, these
lights appear more frequently and remain steady for a long time. The vision of lights is a great
encouragement in Sadhana. It impels you to stick to Sadhana steadily. It gives you strong faith in
superphysical matter. The appearance of the lights denotes that you are transcending the physical
consciousness. You are in a semiconscious state when the light appears. You are between the two
places. You must not shake the body when these lights manifest. You must be perfectly steady in
your Asana and breathe slowly.
At times you will see some lustrous forms of Devatas or some other physical forms. You
will see your Ishta Devata or your Guru. Siddhas, Rishis and others give their Darshan to encourage
you. You can see beautiful gardens, palatial buildings, rivers, mountains, golden temples, sceneries
so lovely and picturesque as cannot be adequately described.
During intense concentration, many are able to feel certain peculiar sensation as if some
electric current passes from the Muladhara-Chakra. They immediately disturb their body and come
down to the physical consciousness out of fear. They need have no fear at all. They should keep
steady and wait for further experiences.
The experiences vary in different individuals. The experience of one man may not be the
same as that of another man. Many erroneously believe that they have realised the Self when they
get these experiences, stop their Sadhana and try to move with the public to preach and to do
Loka-Sangraha. This is a serious blunder. This is not realisation at all. These are all simple
encouragements from your Ishta Devata to convince you of a higher spiritual life and push you in
your systematic and incessant practice with zeal and enthusiasm. You will have to ignore these
things and drive them away just as you did with worldly objects. You must not care a bit when you
get these visions. You must have your Lakshya on the goal. The visions may appear in some
persons within a few days, while in others within six or nine months. It depends upon the state of the
mind and degree of concentration. Some persons may not have such experiences, but they will be
progressing in the spiritual path.
Sometimes you will get very powerful, dazzling lights, bigger than the sun. They are white.
In the beginning, they come and disappear quickly. Later on they become steady even for 10 or 15
minutes according to the degree of concentration. Lights will appear before the eyes or at any one of
the Chakras. The light is so powerful and dazzling sometimes that you have to withdraw yourself
from looking and break your meditation. Some people are afraid and they do not know what to do
and how to proceed further. By constant practice, the mind engaged in concentration will vanish.
The beings and objects with whom you are in touch during the early period of Sadhana belong to the
astral world. The lustrous forms are higher Devatas of mental and higher planes, who come down to
give Darshan and to encourage the Sadhakas. Various Shaktis manifest in lustrous forms. Adore
them. Do mental Puja as soon as they appear before you.
Do not waste your time in looking at these visions. This is only a curiosity. These are all
encouragements to convince you of the existence of superphysical, metaphysical realities. Visions
are either subjective or objective, your own mental creations or of realities on finer planes of matter.
Universe consists of planes of matter of various degrees of density. Rhythmical vibrations of
Tanmatras in various degrees give rise to the formation of various planes. Visions may be of these
things or beings. Or in many cases they may be purely imaginary. They may be the crystallisation of
your own intense thinking. You must discriminate well.
Sometimes these elementals appear during meditation. They are strange figures, some with
long teeth, big faces, some with three heads, some with faces on the belly, some without flesh and
skin, etc. They are inhabitants of Bhuvar Loka. They are Bhutas. They are supposed to be the
attendants of Lord Siva. They have terrifying forms. They do not cause any harm at all. They simply
appear on the stage. They come to test your strength and courage. They can do nothing. They cannot
stand before a pure, ethical aspirant. Repetition of Om or your Guru Mantra will throw them at a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
