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experience, you direct your attention to it and use you act as hypnotist and subject simultaneously. all of your other (nonphysical) abilities as You give yourselves post-hypnotic suggestions all corollaries, adjuncts, additions. You hypnotize your 145 the time, particularly when you project present conditions into the future. Session 658 Changing old beliefs and accepting new ones In those areas in which you are I want to impress upon you the fact that all of this dissatisfied, you feel that you are powerless, or that simply follows the natural function of the mind, and your will is paralyzed, or that conditions continue to dispel any ideas that you have about the 'magical' despite what you think of as your intent. Yet if you aspects of hypnosis. pay attention to your own quite conscious thoughts, you will find that you are concentrating upon For five or ten minutes a day at the most, then, use precisely those negative aspects that so appall you. natural hypnosis as a method of accepting desired You are hypnotizing yourself quite effectively and new beliefs. so reinforcing the situation. You may say, horrified, 'What can I do? I am hypnotizing myself into my During that period concentrate your attention as overweight condition (or my loneliness, or my poor vividly as possible upon one simple statement. health).' Yet in other facets of your life you may be Repeat it over and over while focusing upon it for hypnotizing yourself into wealth, accomplishment, this time. Try to feel the statement in whatever way satisfaction -and here you do not complain. The is possible -that is, do not allow distractions, but if same issues are involved. The same principles are your mind insists upon running about then channel operating. In those positive life situations you are its images in line with your declaration. certain of your initiative. There is no doubt. Your beliefs become reality. The repetition, verbally or mentally, is important because it activates biological patterns and reflects In the unsatisfactory aspects, you must understand them. Do not strain. This exercise should not be this: there is also no doubt. You are utterly done along with the point of power exercise given convinced that you are sick, or poor, or lonely, or earlier. (See the 657th spiritually opaque, or unhappy. Session in Chapter Fifteen.) One should not run into The results, then, as easily and effortlessly follow. the other, but should be carried out on separate Natural hypnosis, in the terms given here, operates occasions during the day. as well in one case as in the other. During the period, however, do remember that you What should you do, then? First of all, you must are using the present as a moment of power to insert realize that you are the hypnotist. You must seize new beliefs, and that these will indeed be the initiative here as you have in other positive materialized. When the exercise is finished do not aspects of your life. Whatever the superficial dwell upon it. Put it from your mind. You will have reasons for your beliefs, you must say: For a certain utilized natural hypnosis in a concentrated form. amount of time I will momentarily suspend what I You may have to experiment some for the proper believe in this area, and willfully accept the belief I wording of your message, but three days at the very want. I will pretend that I am under hypnosis, with least are necessary before you can tell, through myself as hypnotist and subject. For that time desire results, how effective it has been. A change of and belief will be one. There will be no conflict wording may be in order. When you feel right about because I do this willingly. For this period I will the statement, then continue it. Your attention completely alter my old beliefs. Even though I sit should be completely relaxed otherwise, for time is quietly, in my mind I will act as if the belief I want needed. You may experience spectacular results at were mine completely. once. But continue the exercise even if this happens. At this point do not think of the future, but only of Inner channels must become repatterned. There the present. If you are overweight, insert the weight will be a feel to this that will serve as your own that you think is ideal for you while you are individual guideline. There is no need to continue following this exercise. Imagine that you are the practice over ten minutes. In fact, many will healthy if you have the belief that you are not. If find that difficult to do. you are lonely, believe that you are filled with the feeling of companionship instead. Realize that you Spending a longer period of time simply reinforces are exerting your initiative to imagine such the idea of problems involved. situations. Here there can be no comparison with 146 your normal situation. Use visual data, or words - in terms of problem solving and of creative whatever is most natural to you. And again, no expression. Many quite valid reincarnational more than ten minutes is required. memories come as imaginings, but you do not trust them. A good percentage of your problems can be If you do this faithfully, within a month you will worked out rather easily through the use of your find the new conditions materializing in your imagination. experience. Your neurological structure will respond automatically. The unconscious will be Often you inadvertently use it to prolong 'negative' aroused, bringing its great powers to bear, bringing circumstances, as you think of all the things that you the new results. Do not try to overdo this, to go you could do wrong. Yet you can employ it very through the entire day worrying about beliefs, for constructively, altering past, present and future. To example. This can only cause you to contrast what do so in your present, freely imagine a situation in you have with what you want. Forget the exercise which you are happy. To begin with your when it is completed. You will find yourself with imaginings may seem foolish. If you are elderly, impulses that arrive in line with these newly poor and lonely, it may seem highly ludicrous to inserted beliefs, and then it is up to you to act on think of yourself as twenty, wealthy, and these and not ignore them. surrounded by friends and admirers. The initiative must be yours. You will never know Indeed, if after such an enjoyable exercise you look unless you try the exercise. Now if you are in poor about you and compare what you have envisioned health, and have a physician, you had better with what you have, then you may feel worse than continue going to him, because you still rely on that you did before. You are to realize that this system of belief -but use these exercises as imaginative world does exist but not in the world of supplements to build up your own sense of inner facts that you know. To some extent, however, health, and to protect you against any negative according to your freedom within it, such an suggestions given by your doctor. Utilize the belief exercise will automatically rejuvenate your body, in physicians since you have it. mind and spirit, and begin to draw to you whatever
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